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Conference Title | Tarih / Date | Bilgi / Info | Harici Bağlantılar / Links | Düzenlendiği Yer / Venue | Bildiri Teslim / Abstract Sub. Deadlıne |
II. Uluslararası Dijital Oyunlar Kongresi | 2-5.12.2024 | II. Uluslararası Dijital Oyunlar Kongresi; dijital oyun sektöründe karşılaşılan zorluk ve fırsatları bilimsel bir platformda tartışmayı, teknolojik gelişmeleri teşvik etmeyi ve gerekli yasal düzenlemeler için altyapı oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kongre ayrıca, dijital oyunların çocukların ve gençlerin sağlığı, gelişimi, esenliği, üretkenliği, güvenliği ve mahremiyeti üzerindeki etkilerini de incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. | https://kongre.guvenlioyna.org.tr/ | Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu Ankara Yerleşkesi | 24.11.2024 |
CİSEM2024 - İletişim Araştırmalarına Özdüşünümsel Bakışlar | 27-29.11.2024 | Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi (İLEF), 2023 yılının sonunda Cumhuriyetin 100. yılı kapsamında iletişim alanında yaşanan değişimlerin ve kazanımların, bu süreçte ortaya çıkan sorunların ve çözüm önerilerinin tartışıldığı “Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türkiye’de İletişim Sempozyumu”nu (CİSEM2023) gerçekleştirdi. İLEF, 27-29 Kasım 2024 tarihleri arasında “özdüşünümsellik" temasıyla iletişim çalışmaları odaklı ikinci sempozyumu düzenliyor. | https://cisem.ankara.edu.tr/ | Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi | 14.10.2024 |
I.ULUSLARARASI İLETİŞİM ÇALIŞMALARI KONGRESİ - Dijitalleşmeye Yönelik Eleştirel Yaklaşımlar | 20-21.11.2024 | I. Uluslararası İletişim Çalışmaları Kongresi dijital teknolojilerin ve medyanın toplumsal yapılar üzerindeki etkilerini ele alan akademik çalışmalara ev sahipliği yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Kongre, dijitalleşmenin sadece bir yenilik değil, aynı zamanda toplumsal ilişkileri, iktidar dinamiklerini ve bireysel hakları dönüştüren bir süreç olarak ele alınması gerektiği anlayışından hareket etmektedir. | https://iletisimstudies.com/kongre-hakkinda/ | Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi - Ankara | 25.10.2024 |
20. Uluslararası İletişim Sempozyumu - Değişen Dünya, Değişen Medya | 6-8.11.2024 | Bu yıl 20’ncisi düzenlenecek olan CIM aracılığıyla şimdiye dek iletişim biliminde yeni araştırmaların gerçekleştirilmesi teşvik edilmiş ve araştırmacıların çalışmalarını paylaşabilecekleri akademik bir ortam hazırlanmıştır. Sempozyum ülkemizde iletişim bilimi alanında bu kadar uzun bir süre devam ettirilmiş tek akademik etkinlik olması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Ayrıca etkinliğimiz ülkemizde iletişim bilimi alanında uluslararası ölçekte tanınan ve duyurumu yapılan en önemli etkinliklerden biridir. | https://cim.anadolu.edu.tr/ | Anadolu Üniversitesi - Eskişehir | 15.9.2024 |
VII. Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı - "Dijital İçerik Üretiminden Tüketimine Medya ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm" | 11-12.10.2024 | İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Yeni Medya ve İletişim Bölümü ve Radyo Televizyon ve Sinema Bölümü'nün gerçekleştireceği VII. Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı, geleneksel ve yeni medya olmak üzere kültür, siyaset, ekonomi, sanat gibi tüm toplumsal formasyon biçimleri üzerinde hızla ve sürekli dönüşen, potansiyel olarak küresel bir etkiye sahip olan ve gündelik yaşam pratiklerinden enformasyonel kapitalizme değin farklı kapsamlardaki tartışmaları içeren dijital içerik üretim ve süreçlerinin medya ve toplum üzerindeki çok boyutlu etkilerini tartışmaya açmaktadır. | https://inmec.gelisim.edu.tr/tr/konferans-anasayfa | Online | 25.8.2024 |
Interdisciplinary PhD Communication Conference IPCC 2024 | 31.05.2024-01.06.2024 | IPCC 2024 aims to explore this theme in depth by providing a platform for early-career researchers to analyze and reflect on the complexities of the public-private dichotomy in communication studies, and encourages contributions that explore the nuances of this dichotomy in a variety of fields, particularly context- and situation-dependent studies. | https://ipcc.bilgi.edu.tr/ | online | 1.3.2024 |
5. International Media Studies Symposium-Future of Communication in the Age of AI | 29-31.05.2024 | At a time of unprecedented advances in technology, the 5th International Media Studies Symposium, organized at the Faculty of Communication of Akdeniz University, invites academics, researchers and professionals to contribute to the dynamic exploration of the "Future of Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence". This theme is based on the recognition of the transformative role that artificial intelligence (AI) plays in various disciplines in communication sciences. | https://ims.akdeniz.edu.tr/en | online and face to face - Antalya | 15.4.2024 |
1st International Symposium on Women in Audiovisual Culture | 23-25.05.2024 | The audiovisual culture that shapes our daily lives contributes to the perpetuation of patriarchal dominant beliefs by reproducing gender roles. However, it is essential to examine the representation of women as mere consumers and objects of consumption in the media, which is driven by algorithms that fuel gender inequality. This symposium aims to create a ground that will enrich critical perspectives on the sexist side of our audiovisual world with the questions, research, thoughts and experiences of the participants. | https://gikksempozyum.com/kongre/gikk | 23-24 May Istanbul Okan University Tuzla Campus 25 May Salt Galata hosted by Salt | 22.3.2024 |
11th International Communication Days - Digital Inequality and Data Colonialism Symposium | 15-17.05.2024 | The main title of the eleventh International Communication Days, organized by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication with a different theme every year, was determined as Digital Inequality and Data Colonialism. | https://ifig.uskudar.edu.tr/2024 | Istanbul/Türkiye (Mixed) | 2.2.2024 |
1st International Communication Days - Digital Transformation and New Media Symposium | 13-14.05.2024 | The first symposium of the International Communication Days organized by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Communication will be held under the title of "Digital Transformation and New Media". | http://ilefig.ibu.edu.tr/ | Bolu/ Turkey | |
International Symposium on Communication, Information and Society | 09-10.05.2024 | This year's International Symposium on Communication, Information and Society aims to bring together academics, researchers, industry representatives and students with the theme of "Current Dynamics in Communication". With participants from different fields of study/research, the symposium will provide an interdisciplinary platform to discuss the multifaceted dimensions of communication in today's society. Communication, Information and Society Symposium aims to provide qualified outputs on the current dynamics of the field of communication and their consequences through interactive sessions. | http://comis.gantep.edu.tr/index.php | Gaziantep University Campus - Mavera Congress and Art Center / Gaziantep Face to face on May 9, online on May 10 | 7.4.2024 |
8th Congress of Relational Social Sciences | 25-26.04.2024 | The 8th Relational Social Sciences Congress, which will last two days, will host scientists working in relational mode in fields such as sociology, anthropology, economics, architecture, city regional planning, fine arts, women's studies, statistics, geography, gerontology, labor economics, communication, educational sciences, health. is open to the participation of researchers and interested parties. | http://sosyoloji.humanity.ankara.edu.tr/2024/01/13/viii-iliskisel-sosyal-bilimler-kongresi/ | Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography | 5.4.2024 |
1st International Western Black Sea Communication Research Symposium | 24-25-26.04.2024 | https://w3.beun.edu.tr/etkinlikler/1.-uluslararasi-bati-karadeniz-iletisim-arastirmalari-sempozyumu-bisem24.html | Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University | ||
2nd International Symposium of Communication, Digitalization and Society (ICDS) | 24-25-26.04.2024 | Academic and public inquiries have gained importance regarding the dimensions, effects, causes and measures that can be taken against disinformation, one of the most intensely discussed dimensions of digitalization and social use of new communication technologies. For this reason, the theme of the symposium, which aims to be a platform that brings together academics, civil society and sector representatives, doctoral and master's students, is "Age of Disinformation". | https://icds.aydin.edu.tr/ | Istanbul Aydin University Faculty of Communication | 29.2.2024 |
New Media Studies VI. National Congress - “Mukavemet” ; "Resistance" | 16-17.11.2023 | New resistance practices created by new media, new control practices created by new media, desire for contemplation in the age of new media, escape from the echo chambers of platforms, filter bubbles and polarized society, practices of combating infodemic in the age of new media, methods of resistance to multifaceted control in the age of new media, new media and active participation in the regulation of social networks, open and free software, open access opportunities, new media tools and opportunities that can be used during advocacy and search for rights, new media-oriented mechanisms that provide resilience during transitional justice, different opportunities provided by new media for accountability, control and self-reflective evaluations of organizations; opportunities, establishing alliances, creating space for different ideas and revitalizing the “local do-it-yourself” movement, the importance of new media in creating the discourse of resistance and a new autonomous “non-violent language”, digital inequalities vs digital inclusion , examples on the above topics from different geographies and suggestions and opportunities for Turkey. | https://yenimedya.org.tr/ | İstanbul/Eskişehir | 28.4.2023 |
ICOMS 3rd International Communication Sciences Symposium | 14-15.11.2023 | International Communication Sciences Seposium (ICOMS) is an international and peer-reviewed organization organized within Sakarya University Faculty of Communication. Considering the interdisciplinary feature of the field of communication, it is organized in order to create an environment that will bring together academicians who produce in many different categories, especially communication rather than a specific sub-theme. The symposium is open to the participation of all academicians working in the field of communication. | https://icoms.sakarya.edu.tr/tr | Sakarya/Türkiye (Mixed) | 1.5.2023 |
VI. International New Media Conference - "Political Economy of New Media" | 26-27.10.2023 | Under digital capitalism, the possibilities and limitations of new media are determined within their own political economy context. For this reason, the main title of this year's conference was determined as Political Economy of New Media. | Istanbul/Türkiye (Mixed) | 15.9.2023 | |
10th International Communication Days/Digital Capitalism and Communication Symposium | 15-17.05.2023 | In the symposium, which will be held under the main title of Digital Capitalism and Communication, media and communication are discussed in various dimensions in this new capitalist period that we are in and which is being reshaped with digital technologies, and it is aimed to create a basis for detailed studies by bringing it to the agenda of academic discussion. | https://ifig.uskudar.edu.tr/ | Istanbul/Turkey (Mixed) | 3.2.2023 |
Ufuk University II. International Social Sciences Congress - Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences | 3-5.05.2023 | The main theme of the congress was determined as "Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences", taking into account issues such as the information age we are in, the digital transformation in the world and the use of artificial intelligence in all areas of life. | https://usbk.ufuk.edu.tr/ | Online | 3.3.2023 |
IV. International New Media Conference | 27-28.04.2023 | In the current period, the structure of the media-society relationship inherent to capitalism, which is revealed in the field of political economy of traditional media, continues to be discussed in the light of new technologies. The whole world becoming a single global market through networks, deepening social inequality with access to and use of tools, strengthening of surveillance with new technologies, digital trace tracking, micro-targeting strategies, use of personal data for commercial and political communication purposes, algorithms and filter bubbles, the dominance of big tech companies, personalized advertising and propaganda; It brings into question the evolution of capitalism into digital capitalism by adapting itself to the new situation contributed by new communication technologies within the historical continuity of capitalism. Under digital capitalism, the possibilities and limitations of new media are determined within their own political economic context. For this reason, the main title of this year's conference was determined as Political Economy of New Media. | https://inmec.gelisim.edu.tr/home | Online | |
Turkey Computational Social Science Conference 2023 | 13-14.04.2023 | Big data in social research, Social media studies, Social network analysis, Privacy and ethics in computational social sciences, Methodological issues in social sciences, Agent-based modeling, Population dynamics, Use of natural language processing in social sciences, Collective behavior, Event data, Political polarization, Dis/Misinformation dissemination | https://socialcomquant.ku.edu.tr/tcss-conference/ | Istanbul/Turkey | 17.2.2023 |
STS TURKEY 2022 Conference - A Current Question: What is STS? | 24-25.11.2022 | STS TURKEY Science and Technology Studies Turkey Research Network was established in October 2017 to support national and international collaborations in the field of science and technology studies and to advocate interdisciplinary and multi-method approaches. The platform brings together academicians, students and researchers in education and research networks on subjects related to Science and Technology Studies (BTS, BTT, STS) in Turkey. STS TURKEY Network, which aims to increase the visibility of the field by encouraging interaction and collaborations, is open to everyone interested in the social context of transformations in the fields of science, technology and medicine. | http://ststurkey.net/tr/ststurkey2022/ | Istanbul/Turkey | 15.9.2022 |
19th International Symposium Communination in the Milennium | 12-14.10.2022 | The world is getting smaller with high technology-based communication systems which also bring people together. Communication scholars and practitioners, especially, should be close to one another and this is why we are gathering them and preparing a platform for discussion. The responsibility of the symposium is growing day by day, as its main idea is communication in the new millennium. The aim of this symposium is to establish and continue an international multidisciplinary forum for the development of an innovative and inspiring dialogue among communication scholars and practitioners. | https://cimsymposium.org/ | Eskişehir/Turkey | 1.6.2022 |
Communication congress in the New Century | 09-10.06. 2022 | Paper Topics: History of Communication, Transformation of Traditional Media, Current Problems in the Press, Publishing in the Digital Age, New Communication Technologies, Social Media Studies, New Approaches in Marketing Communication, Public Relations and Advertising Applications in the Digital Age, Virtual Reality Applications and Communication, Augmented Reality Applications in Media, Metaverse as a Communication Medium, XR Technologies and Cinema, Artificial Intelligence and Communication Studies, Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Issues in Media, Visual Communication Design in the Digital Age, Visual Culture and Design, Future of Digital Art, Communication Education in the Digital Age, Health Communication | https://yyik.yeniyuzyil.edu.tr/#onsoz | Online | 15.5.2022 |
3rd Communication Symposium in the Digital Age | 12-15.10.2022 | Although CIDA International 2022 has the identity of an ancient time agora in a digital age where questions directed to the conventional discussion areas of communication and evaluations from other disciplines that focus on the concept of communication will find a place, it will also invite its participants and stakeholders to understand who and what the subject is in this age, through digital universes that look like portable temples. It calls for questioning. In this context, it offers a clear and provocative call to examine the facts and make comments on what is predicted. | https://cidainternational.org/#basvuru | Ankara/ Turkey | 20.5.2022 |
5th Cultural Informatics, Communications&Media Studies Conference | 16-18.05.2022 | It will bring together a truly international community of academics to share experiences and exchange research findings on all aspects of specialized and interdisciplinary fields. This is a premier learning opportunity, combined with vibrant networking activities and engaging discussions on the latest innovations, trends and practical concerns and challenges in the field. The purpose of this conference is to come together with scientific studies scholars working in different disciplines, to exchange knowledge and experiences and thus to prepare the ground for multidisciplinary studies. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. You are kindly invited to participate and take advantage of the opportunity to present your unpublished abstracts. The official languages of the Conference are English and Turkish. | https://www.cicms2022.com/ | Online | 10.5.2022 |
9th European Communication Conference | 19-22.10.2022 | For the ECREA 2022 conference in Aarhus, the theme “Rethink Impact” is suggested as a frame for discussing how research, academic education, and training interact with, impact on and reflect society. This theme resonates with preceding initiatives in Aarhus and the vision of Aarhus University for 2020-2025. It builds upon the university’s long-term strategies and fruitful collaborative partnerships with the business community, the city administration, the region and civil society. Overall, we suggest that the European values of inclusiveness, equality, diversity and fairness also require a revised notion of impact that research and education in media and communication studies should be shaping at this crucial time. | https://conferences.au.dk/ecrea2022/rethink-impact/ | Aarhus/Denmark | 17.1.2022 |
7th International Congress of Communication in the New World | 02-04.02.2022 | Paper topics: Public Relations and Promotion, Advertising, Political Communication, Public Diplomacy, Radio, Television and Cinema, Journalism, Communication Sciences, New Media, Fine Arts, Marketing | https://www.iletisimkongresi.org | Izmir/Turkey (Face to Face and Online) | 23.2.2022 |
6 States 1 Nation International Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities | 17.11.2021 | Media platform of Turkish speaking countries | https://www.scienceazerbaijan.org/millet-medya-devlet | Baku / Azerbaijan (Face to Face and Online) | 31.10.2021 |
9th International Communication Days / Symposium on Communication Studies in the Digital Age | 16-17-18.05.2022 | The main title of the ninth International Communication Days, organized by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication with a different theme every year, was determined as Communication Studies in the Digital Age. The symposium, which will include nationally and internationally renowned keynote speakers in the field, will be held in a mixed format, face to face and via zoom/webinar, on 16-17-18 May 2022. | https://ifig.uskudar.edu.tr/2022 | Istanbul/Turkey | 4.4.2022 |
3rd International Multidisciplinary Social Sciences Congress | 06-08.05. 2021 | CMUSS-2021 is an international academic congress and covers the fields of social sciences. The mission of ICMUSS-2021 is to create a platform for researchers, academics as well as other professionals from all over the world to present their research results in Social Sciences. | http://icmuss.org/ | Ankara/ Online | 1-16.3.2021 |
3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICONDATA'20) | 25-28.06.2020 | This conference, which will be held for the third time, will include scientific studies on data sets and will include studies on data analysis from both physical and social sciences. This conference will be held in partnership with Rumeli University, Yalova University, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University and Muğla University. | http://www.icondata.org/tr/ | Istanbul/Turkey | 10.4.2020 |
8th European Communication Conference | 2-5.10.2020 | The Conference has chosen the key theme 'Communication and trust: building safe, sustainable and promising futures'. Organisers call for proposals addressing (but not limited to) the main conference theme and relating to ECREA Sections, Networks or Temporary Working Groups | https://www.ecrea2020braga.eu/ | Braga/Portugal | 15.1.2020 |
II. International Media Research Symposium from Traditional to Digital (Ims2020) | 28-29.05.2020 | This symposium aims to create an academic environment where communication academics, field researchers, sector representatives and non-governmental organizations from different countries can come together and evaluate issues related to the digitalizing world and media. | http://ims.ege.edu.tr | Izmir/ Turkey | 30.1.2020 |
New Trends in Turkish Film Studies XXI | 7-9 Mayıs 2020 | The New Directions in Film Studies Conference in Turkey, which will be held in Adana on 7-9 May 2020, in cooperation with Kadir Has University Faculty of Communication and hosted by Çukurova University Faculty of Communication, is exceeding its twentieth year and will go beyond Istanbul, in other words, the "center" for the first time. It brings into question the center, centralization, size, sameness, uniformity, uniformity, monopoly and monopolization. | http://www.tfayy.org/tfayy_bcm2020.html | 31.1.2020 | |
New Times and Public Relations Symposium | 29-30.04.2020 | A&B Communication, which has been serving in the communication sector for 45 years, will hold the fourth of the symposium series organized in memory of its founder Prof. Dr. Alaeddin Asna in Izmir, in cooperation with Ege University Faculty of Communication. This time, the "Future of Communication Education" will be discussed at the Symposium on "New Times and Public Relations", which will be held between 29 - 30 April 2020 and aims to improve vocational education and bring the business world and the university closer. | http://konferans.ab-pr.com/ege-universitesindeyiz | Izmir/ Turkey | 31.1.2020 |
III. Çukurova Young Communicators Congress | 16-17.04.2020 | We are pleased to invite you to the Çukurova Young Communicators Congress, which will be held for the 3rd time this year, at Çukurova University Faculty of Communication, Adana, on 16-17 April 2020. The aim of the national congress is to create an environment where undergraduate and graduate students working in specified fields can share their thoughts, research results and experiences, to support students academically and to create a cultural discussion platform on current scientific developments. | https://www.cugenciletisimcilerkongresi.org/ | Adana/ Turkey | 5.1.2020 |
Communication Education in the Digital Age Symposium Call | 16-17.04.2020 | The theme of the seventh International Communication Days, which will be held by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication on 16-17 April 2020, is Communication Education in the Digital Age. Held regularly every year since 2014; The symposium series organized with themes such as digital addiction, digital culture and digital transformation attracts great attention at national and international levels. International Communication Days, whose number of participants increases every year, complies with the international scientific activity criteria of YÖK and TÜBİTAK. | https://ifig.uskudar.edu.tr/tr | Istanbul/Turkey | 2.3.2020 |
16th National Social Sciences Congress | 26-28.11.2019 | At the 16th National Social Sciences Congress, papers addressing historical and current issues in various disciplines of social sciences will be presented. | http://tsbd.org.tr/?page_id=489 | Ankara/ Turkey | 30.4.2019 |
TIE 2019 - 3rd EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education | 16-18.10.2019 | The central theme of the TIE 2019 Conference is innovation, with a special focus on emerging technologies for education, creativity, entertainment, well being, arts, and business development. In addition, it aims at promoting new venture creation opportunities that emerge from these innovations, as well as innovative methods that target these core subjects | http://educateinnovate.org/ | Braga, Portugal | 20.5.2019 |
New Media Studies IV. National Congress | 4-5.10.2019 | Will there be a new inequality? What are the conditions and examples of traditional inequalities (especially gender, class and ethnicity) evolving into the new/digital and meeting the digital? Congress program: http://yenimedya.org.tr/ | http://yenimedya.org.tr/content/kongre-cagrisi | Izmir/ Turkey | 1.4.2019 |
STS TURKEY 2019 Conference | 10-12.09.2019 | The great and rapid transformations in information and communication technologies, which have developed at a dizzying pace in the last 20 years and have shown their impact in all areas, have not only transformed our entire way of life, from labor and production processes to consumption habits, but have also presented brand new questions and problems that challenge the usual thought patterns of science and technology. Discussing these problems and creating solution proposals concerns not only people with technical knowledge, but also all stakeholders related to the social, ethical, philosophical, political and cultural aspects of science and technology. | http://ststurkey.net/tr/ststurkey2019-bildiriozeti/ | Istanbul/ Turkey | 1.4.2019 |
4th International New Media Conference "Digital Transformation and Innovation" | 25-26.04.2019 | The 4th International New Media Conference welcomes abstracts from scholars, students and participants from sector for an international conference, which will be held by The New Media and Cinema & Television Departments at İstanbul Gelişim University. The theme of the conference is “The Digital Transformation and Innovation.” Submissions are to be original and previously unpublished research on all aspects of digital transformation and innovation. İstanbul Gelişim University has been regularly arranging new media conference since 2015. İstanbul Gelişim University has organized this conference in order to follow the developments in digital transformation and innovation field and to contribute the academic studies in this field. | https://inmec.gelisim.edu.tr | Istanbul/ Turkey | 18.3.2019 |
1st International Communication and Management Sciences Congress | 26-28.09.2019 | The relationship between Communication and Management Sciences has recently gained more importance in accordance with the interdisciplinary structure of social sciences. Managing communication strategically; The necessity of management to be sustainable and to include different stakeholder groups concretizes the relationship between the two disciplines in question. Communication; It is the basis of efficiency and quality for an institution and an indispensable element of successful management. | http://incominonu.com | Malatya/ Turkey | 26.5.2019 |
6th International Communication Days | 02-03.05.2019 | The title of this year's International Communication Days, which will be held for the sixth time by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication on 02-03 May 2019, is Digital Transformation. In the International Communication Days events, which have been held regularly and with invited guests since 2014, issues such as digital addiction and digital culture were discussed by experts in the field, and public opinion was also very effective. This year the symposium will be open to invited guests as well as paper presentations. | https://uskudar.edu.tr/iletisimgunleri/tr/2019 | Istanbul/ Turkey | 15.3.2019 |
Foundations of Digital Games 2019 | 16-30.08.2019 | Foundations of Digital Games is a major international "big tent" academic conference dedicated to exploring the latest research in all aspects of digital games. | http://fdg2019.org/ | San Luis Obispo, California/ USA | 21.12.2018 |
International Conference on Communication and Media Studies “Media, Data and Society” | 10-11.08.2019 | The conference will bring together speakers from various fields, including mass media, film studies, games industries, political sciences, education, etc., creating closer ties and connections among scholars from different disciplines working on communication and media studies. | http://media.lcir.co.uk/ | London, UK | 15.3.2019 |
GKA Social 2019 - 7th International Congress On Social Sciences | 17-19.07.2019 | In 2019, the highlighted theme of the congress will be: THE POST-TRUTH AND THE CREATION OF KNOWLEDGE | http://onthesocialsciences.com/congress/proposal-submission/#submission-process | Paris/France | 3.4.2019 |
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2019 | 07-11.07.2019 | Communication, Technology, and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths | http://iamcr.org/madrid2019 | Madrid/ Spain | 8.2.2019 |
2nd International Conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication & Media Studies (CICMS 2019) | 13-15.06.2019 | The conference will be powered by the University of the Aegean, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication (Greece) and the Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Communication (Turkey). | http://cicms2019.aegean.gr/ | Mytilene, Greece | 15.4.2019 |
3rd Turkish Aesthetics Congress | 23-25.05.2019 | The 3rd Turkish Aesthetics Congress, which will be organized by SANART Aesthetics and Visual Culture Association, in cooperation with Ankara University DTCF Department of Philosophy, Middle East Technical University Department of Philosophy, Department of Architecture and Department of Music and Fine Arts, expects the contributions of researchers working in different fields of aesthetics discipline. | https://www.sanart.org.tr/kongreler/3-turkiye-estetik-kongresi/ | Ankara/ Turkey | 20.4.2019 |
17th International Conference e-Society 2019 | 11-13.04.2019 | This conference covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society. Broad areas of interest are e-Government / e-Governance, e-Business / e-Commerce, Technology and Society, e-Learning, New Media and E-Society, e-Health, Information Systems, and Information Management. | http://esociety-conf.org/ | Utrecht, Netherlands | 7.1.2019 |
AETA International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technology, Science Management, Applied Sciences & Information and Communication Tech (ESAI) | 24-25.04.2019 | Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences. | http://association-eta.com/esai-apr-19/ | Rome, Italy | 15.3.2019 |
8th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (ICFIT 2019) | 20-22.04.2019 | Algorithms, Bio-informatics, Computational Intelligence, Computer Animation, Computer Games, Computer Networks, Computer Security, Computer Vision, Control Systems, Data Communications, Digital System and Logic Design, Distributed Systems, E-commerce and E-governance, Information Systems, Multimedia Applications, Pattern Recognition, Ubiquitous Computing, Wireless Sensor Networ | http://www.icfit.org/ | Nice, France | 5.1.2019 |
Panel on Multidisciplinary Approaches to New Media Technologies (NMT2019) | 15-18.04.2019 | ‘New Media and Mediatization’, ‘Politics and New Media’, ‘Economy business and New Media’, ‘Journalism and New Media’, ‘Rhetoric Discourse and New Media’, ‘Culture, Society and New Media’, ‘Education and New Media’, ‘Mediated Communication Technologies’, ‘Alternative Media’, ‘Digital Diplomacy’, ‘Digital Transformation’, ‘Artificial Intelligence’. | http://coming.gr/index.php/nmt2019/ | Athens, Greece. | 22.1.2019 |
2019 5th International Conference on Computer and Technology Applications (ICCTA 2019, former ICCIT) | 16-17.04.2019 | Algorithms, Information Systems, Computing Practices & Applications etc | http://www.iccit.org/index.html | Istanbul/ Turkey | 5.1.2019 |
2nd International Research Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Technology (IRCHST 2019) | 04-05.03.2019 Tamamlandı | Social Sciences and Modern Trends, Technology and Information System, Communication and Multimedia, etc | https://submit.confbay.com/conf/irchst2019 | Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia | 17.2.2019 |
The 11th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2019) | 27.02-01.03.2019 Tamamlandı | Computer Engineering, Communication Engineering (Communication Networks, Wireless Communications, Infrastructure for Next Generation Networks, Information & Communication etc) | http://www.icfcc.org/index.html | Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma), | 25.12.2018 |
Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms | 25 - 28.02. 2019 Tamamlandı | Networking and Data Communications, Cyber Security and Data Forensics, Signal Processing and Communication Engineering etc | http://www.icaccpa.in/ | Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim, India | 5.11.2018 |
21st Academic Informatics Conference | 13-15.02.2019 Completed | It aims to bring together relevant groups on information technologies in universities. | https://ab.org.tr/ab19/ | Ordu/ Turkey | 10.12.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
The V International Conference of Methodologies in Communication Research Conference | 20-22.11.2018 Completed | The aim of this event is to revalue the role of methodology in the study of communication sciences. | http://eventos.ucm.es/25231 | Madrid / Spain | 01.11.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
The 10th Asian Conference on Machine Learning | 14-18.12.2018 Completed | Learning systems, online learning, social networking, web research. | http://www.acml-conf.org/2018/ | Beijing, China | 20.04.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
4.th International New Media Conference | 22-23.11.2018 Completed | The Artificial Intelligence Practices of Engineering, Art and Communication | http://www.ntmsci.com/Conferences/INMEC2018 | Istanbul/ Turkey | 17.09.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
Informatics 2018 - 35th National Informatics Congress | 21-22.11.2018 Completed | Digital Economy and Beyond | http://www.bilisim.org.tr/bilisim2018/ | Ankara/ Turkey | 26.10.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
5th International Conference in Communication and Media Studies | 8-9.11.2018 Completed | Think, Talk , Cultivate | https://crcp.emu.edu.tr/en/conference-2018 | Famagosta/Cyprus | 22.10.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
NETlab Interview: “Data Visualization” with Martin Krzywinski | 31.10.2018 Completed | We will talk about visualizing data with data scientist Martin Krzywinski, whose work has been featured in publications such as the New York Times, Wired, and American Scientist. | https://netlab.media/martin-krzywinski-ile-veri-gorsellestirme/ | Ankara/ Turkey | |
European Communication Conference-ECC | 31.10.2018 – 03.11.2018 | Communication, research, translation. | http://www.ecrea2018lugano.eu/ | University of Italian Switzerland – Switzerland | 28.02.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
Public Open Source Conference - KAK'18 | POSTPONED | Pardus Project, developments and solutions in the open source world, public open source usage and adaptation stories. | http://kak.org.tr/ | Ankara/ Turkey | POSTPONED |
International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science (ICONCS 2018) | 18-20.10.2018 Completed | ICONCS will promote and disseminate the knowledge concerning several topics and technologies cyber security and computer science. | http://www.iconcs.org/ | Karabuk/ Turkey | 10.08.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age (CIDA) | 18-19.10.2018 Completed | Theme: New Media Research, Digital Radio - Television and Cinema, Digital Literacy and communication education | http://cida.mersin.edu.tr/ | Mersin/ Turkey | 15.06.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) | 16-20.10.2018 Completed | Theme: Augmented reality and mixed reality (application areas, data input and output, applications and human perception) | https://ismar2018.org/ | Munich, Germany | 08.06.2018 - Konf. Tamamlandı |
Artificial Intelligence Conference - DeepCon'18 | 5-6.10.2018 Completed | The Artificial Intelligence Conference (DeepCon'18), which will be held for the first time this year in cooperation with Deep Learning Turkey, Information Technologies and Communication Institution and HAVELSAN, aims to bring together academia, private sector and public actors working in this field. | http://deepcon.deeplearningturkiye.com/ | Ankara/ Turkey | Konf. Tamamlandı |
International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics | 17-19.09.2018 Completed | VR systems, 3D technology, video coding. | http://iccvg.wzim.sggw.pl/ | Warsaw, Poland | Konf. Tamamlandı |
European Conference on Computer Vision | 8-14.09.2018 Completed | Machine learning, artificial intelligence. | https://eccv2018.org/ | Munich, Germany | Konf. Tamamlandı |
British Machine Vision Conference | 2-6.09.2018 Completed | Statistics and machine learning, video analytics, | http://bmvc2018.org/ | Newcastle, UK | Konf. Tamamlandı |
ACM TIST Special Issue on Advances in Causal Discovery and Inference | 15.08.2018 Completed | Data mining and algorithm. | https://tist.acm.org/cfp.cfm | . | Konf. Tamamlandı |
Euro Media | 9-10.07.2018 Completed | Theme: Scary Future Subjects: Media, Communication and Cinema | https://euromedia.iafor.org/ | Brighton, UK | Konf. Tamamlandı |
Radio Conference 2018 | 10-13.07.2018 Completed | ‘Free Radio’ movement, community radio, radio and audio media research | https://www.radioconference2018.com/ | Monash University, Prato/Italy | Konf. Tamamlandı |
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 13-19.07.2018 | Robotics, development of artificial intelligence and technology. | http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=70805 | Stockholm, Sweden | Konf. Tamamlandı |
Educational Data Mining | 15-18.07.2018 | Theories for data mining education, interaction between data mining and educational sciences. | http://educationaldatamining.org/EDM2018/ | New York, USA | Konf. Tamamlandı |